Nellie's Baby Laundry Soda

Nellie's Baby Laundry Soda
Category: Parenting Aids

by Nellie's

Nellies Baby Laundry is specially formulated to deal with babys unavoidable mishaps. We have added a concentration of Sodium Percarbonate for natural brightening as well as the addition of pure vegetable soap, so there is no need to add any additional whiteners or brighteners. Its stain fighting power is effective on cloth diapers and removes stubborn baby stains such as milk, baby formula and spit-up. The formula, derived from plant-based and mineral-based ingredients, is non-allergenic, gentle on baby skin and leaves no residue on fabric, no fragrance.

2018 Top Choice of the Year
Laundry Aids

2018 Eco-Friendly Product of the Year
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Aids

4 Review Event Comments.

I love the packaging of this laundry soap. I also love that it is natural!
Great retro packaging. All ingredients are plainly listed on front and back as well.
I love that the product is all natural for babies skin.
Is safe for baby laundry and good for kids with allergies problems