Cherub Baby Milk Bag & Food Pouch Organiser

Cherub Baby Milk Bag & Food Pouch Organiser
Category: Mealtime Aids

by Cherub Baby

1. Stick the organiser to the underside of your fridge /freezer shelving via the suction connectors. 2. Slide breast milk bags or food pouches into the organiser. 3. Fits Supermarket Food Pouches & Cherub Baby Pouches/Bags

2020 Top Choice of the Year
Feeding Aids

2020 Top Choice of the Year
Feeding Aids

3 Review Event Comments.

Besides for breast milk storage this can be used for toddler food puches, a product you can keep for a long time, great gift.
Its sleek and doesn't take up much room in your fridge at all. You can put the newer milk to the back so you use up the milk in order.
This is the greatest product to organize your fridge with your baby's milk and food pouches.
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