True Tot Tower

True Tot Tower
Category: Baby & Toddler Products

by True Tot Tower

True Tot Tower is a safe and sturdy step-stool that allows curious children to learn, interact, and develop independence. The Tower places them at the perfect height, allowing little ones to be a part of the action.

2021 Product of the Year
Step Stool

4 Review Event Comments.

It is easy to use and sets perfectly in any room. My son is very curious about what I am doing and this product brings him up to my height level and helps him interact with me. Genius!
It is easy to use and sets perfectly in any room. My son is very curious about what I am doing and this product brings him up to my height level and helps him interact with me. Genius!
This is a great way to help your little ones interact with the grown-ups. I love how sturdy it is. We used it in the kitchen and my daughter really felt part of what we were doing. I love it!
This step stool is very well made. I love the quality.